Friday, 27 September 2013

Oil Pulling - Best Way to Start Your Healthy Day with Ayurveda in Pune

Coconut Oil for Oil Pulling

         Oil Pulling or Oil Swishing is traditional ancient remedy, which involves swishing of oil in the mouth. This process is also mentioned as one of the most important book of ayurveda “The Charaka Samhita ”. Charaka(Father of Medicine) born in 300 BC was the major contributor to ancient art and science of ayurveda. This method is also known as Kavala Gandoosha or Kavala Graha in Ayurveda. According to ayurveda, oil pulling is best for both oral health and helps in treatment of several diseases like diabetes mellitus or asthma.

        Oil pulling has very powerful detoxifying effects. Our mouth is home of bacteria, fungi, and other parasites. If you want a healthier life, then cleaning the mouth is very important.

What is Oil Pulling

         It is a cleansing technique that consists of simple oil swishing in the mouth for few minutes a day.


         This process should be done before having breakfast, with empty stomach. Take one table spoon oil. It is recommended to take sunflower/sesame oil. Then swish / rinse gently in your mouth for 20 minutes. While doing so, make sure the oil reaches all corners of your mouth, but avoid swallowing of oil. As you continue this method, the oil changes its color to whitish and become thinner. This activity activates enzymes that are helpful in removing toxins from your body. After completing the process, spit the oil but don’t spit in the sink, spit it outside. Now-a-days people try it with coconut oil because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property.

Important Tip
  • This process won’t work if you swish for less than 20 minutes.
  • It takes about 15 to 20 days to take effect. It also depends upon how seriously and accurately this method practised.
  • It is very important to brush after this activity.
  • Do not spit the oil after swishing in the sink; spit it out side, because it contains impurities and bacteria.
  • Do not swallow the oil.

Why to Follow this Method
  • Prevention of Mouth and Gum Diseases
  • Get Relief Stiff Joints
  • Help in issues related with Hormones
  • Deals with digestion problems
  • Effective in migraines
  • Also Helps in Heart, Kidney and Lung Diseases

Instant Effects
  • This method can kick start your weight loss aims.
  • You’ll get whitened teeth
  • Improve your dental and oral health
  • Helps in detoxifying your body
  • Helps in strengthening your immune system
  • Prevents bad breath problems
  • Decreases headache
  • Removal of Impurity can make your skin cleaner and shiny
  • Helps in getting relief from sinus problem
  • Removes mucus
  • Healthier gums
This post is dedicated to ayurveda and healthy lifestyle. Through this blog we want to aware people about ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma therapies and how to make life healthy in Ayurvedic Way.